
Technology Used:  GtMetrix


As a kid, John wasn‘t that stylish kid with new clothes and stuff, but he was cool. His hair was made fresh every day and since his father was a barber, they called him „John the son of the barber“, later his nickname became John Barber.

John liked barbering, but furthermore, he loved sitting on the barber chair in his father’s barbershop and watch his father doing what he loved – barbering.
John was relaxing on the barber chair, sometimes he fell asleep even there, if you would ask John back then, what was more comfortable – a bed or a barber chair, he would choose the barber chair. These chairs were his playground, his basketball and football field. He didn’t go out often since he helped his father after school. So this is where it all started, this love affair between John & Barber Chairs.

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